First adress for online Pizza delivery




PizzaTel, Pizzatell and      are registered Trademarks under swiss (IGE) and / or international (WIPO) law, number 105815, 105767, 105817 of :


ANGOLO FOOD AG, Switzerland - Partner of Renzi Group . 


Any violation of the brands will be prosecuted without prior notice.


For written contact please correspond to :



Bösch 108

6331 Hünenberg                           



All envelopes or packages will be screened for security reasons and might be rejected without notice.

All information, data, items, goods sent to us are on sole risk of the sender and the sender explicitely allows the usage of that information, data, items, goods for free and without any legal claims.


ANGOLO, Banzai, Barcode, GLAM, Piadina, POLLITO, Poulito, Servus, ... are registered trademarks under swiss (IGE) and / or international (WIPO) law and owned by ANGOLO FOOD AG, Switzerland and/or RENZI AG, Switzerland. Any violation of the brands will be prosecuted without prior notice. 


This site is not responsible for any 3rd parties' sites,

 nor responsible for the links situated on - or linking to - this site.













Partner of Renzi Group.


Local Partners -

International brand.


ANGOLO, GLAM, Piadina,

POLLITO, Sagrestana are portfolio brands   .de  .ch  .us  .asia